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Private air charters are not an outrageous luxury or expense. They're practical and convenient, the quickest way to travel and the simplest means of saving time. And thanks to 2020-era technology,  jet charters have become significantly cheaper and easier to book. This ultimate air charter guide will explain everything, from safety to jet cards, how to book flights and how to save money and get good deals.

Private jets can be for everyone and this air charter guide covers everything you need to know to get started. It compares all the options and will help you evaluate whether air charter can help you or your business. It also links to a variety of in-depth articles, so you can explore topics in more depth and find answers to your questions.

With this air charter guide you can explore all the options and find what is best for you.

Why Air Charter

Private jets have somewhat of a bad reputation. They’ve come to signify corporate greed and celebrity extravagance, the narrative suggesting that private aviation is an exclusive club that is deliberately kept exclusive. According to CNN it's "a travel privilege enjoyed by a lucky few - from celebrities, royals, self-made entrepreneurs and oligarchs."

This is far from the truth, although jet brokers and many others in the industry perpetuate the stereotype, because it increases the value of their products. Most air charter customers are people who need to get more time out of their day. This article explores the most common people who fly on private jets, and will help you appreciate that it’s not just the rich and famous.

The Luxury of Private Jets is the Time You Can Save

Executive aircraft are not gold-laden vessels or opulent jets for the 0.00001%, even if articles like this one from the New York Times suggest otherwise. Witness a private jet interior for the first time and you be a little disappointed - "where's the opulence" you may cry! Most private jets simply have comfortable seating and enough space to get business done on the flight.

The luxury of private jets is the time you can save.

  • A choice of 2500+ airports mean you take off closer to where you are
  • Take off from airport FBOs, with expedited security and processes
  • Only turn up ten minutes before departure. The plane will wait if you are late.
  • Fly direct. There is never a layover, unlike commercial flights which operate on a hub and spoke model.
  • Land at an airport FBO and go from aircraft to ground transfer in less than five minutes.
  • Land closer to your destination and reach where you need to be quicker.

So the question really is, how valuable is your time? And how much can you do with the time you save? This article dives into more specifics about the time you can save. For air charter customers that time can equate to one less overnight on the road, a free evening back home with the kids, or a business schedule reduced from one week to one day.

A recent New York Times editorial led with "the history of private planes is less high life and more daily grind." Most people rent a jet to save time and get where they need to be. These 25 reasons to rent a jet help dispel the myth that private jets are only for the rich and famous. Often the reason to rent a jet is much simpler than you think.

First-class commercial flights have their advantages as well. So it's worth comparing private jets with first class commercial flights, in terms of cost, efficiency, comfort, scheduling and other parameters. As the image below shows, most aircraft interiors are simple and comfortable, not luxurious.

Interior of a Lear Jet used for an air charter

What is an Air Charter?

It can't be an air charter guide without demystifying the basics. A private air charter is very similar to other forms of private chartered transport. You pre-book and pay for the entire vehicle (aircraft) on a flight governed by federal regulations. You can fly anywhere at anytime you choose.

Air charters have been around for almost a century but the world of aviation has changed significantly in that time. It's gone from flying boats to executive jets in just 60 years. There was even a time when lobster thermidor was regularly served at 30,000 feet. These air charter questions for beginners will help you understand more of the basics.

Of course the big question is how much is it going to cost. This private charter cost estimator can help you decide whether a charter is beneficial to you or your business. Or you can just click to search and get an instant quote between any two US locations. We'll cover cost cutting tips later in this article as well.


An Air Charter Guide to Safety

All air charters in the US are governed by Part 135 of the Federal Aviation Regulations. These regulations provide structure and safety to the industry, helping to mitigate against risks by ensuring pilots have adequate experience, aircraft are regularly inspected, and operators are transparent about their history and safety. Part 135 keeps you safe and you can learn the basics of Part 135 regulations in three minutes.

Note that some air charter operators rent out their planes under Part 91, a different and easier to obtain federal certification. Statistics show that you are 12 times more likely to have an incident on a Part 91 aircraft compared to a Part 135 aircraft, as this detailed article on private jet safety explains.

Part 135 operations are changing for the better as well, with new regulations that will close certain loopholes and bring air charters in line with commercial flights.

Air Charters Use Special Airport FBOs, Not Commercial Airport Terminals

Chartered aircraft typically fly from airport FBOs (fixed base of operations), private terminals within an airport. By using a private terminal, passengers save significant time versus a commercial flight terminal. Everything in an airport FBO is designed to maximize efficiency and using an airport FBO is one of the great advantages of an air charter.

From entering the terminal to departing on a flight can take less than ten minutes. Such expedited process is the norm at some of North America's best airport FBOs. Private airports are usually much closer to where passengers need to be. For example, instead of flying from JFK or even La Guardia, almost all New York air charter depart from Teterboro, the world's most popular private jet airport. It's the most convenient airport to Manhattan so it saves time for business travelers. (Business Insider recently ran a photo article that will show you the inside of Teterboro).

At many airport FBOs you can drive straight onto the runway to board the flight. How is that for efficiency!JetRight-301

A Guide to Aircraft for Charter

There are hundreds of different types of aircraft for charter. The Airvel booking engine will give you unrestricted choice of more than 4000 individual aircraft available for charter in the US. What’s best for you will depend on each individual flight: how far are are flying and how many people you are flying with? Most flyers have an aircraft choice that starts at turboprops and goes all the way to large jets.

So how much is a private jet flight? Different aircraft suit different journeys and their price is always determined by cost per hour. Naturally, larger aircraft and those with a longer range will cost more. This guide to aircraft for charter will help you understand the different types of aircraft that are available and when they can be used.

With an unrestricted choice of aircraft you can make air charters really affordable. You don't need to fly on luxurious jets. Instead, consider the most average private jets and their cost instead, along with some of the most affordable jets for charter. One of the best value for short flights is a King Air charter, using a turboprop to fly efficiently on short hops.

As every flight is slightly different it's important not to be restricted in your aircraft choice. You can enjoy cheap private jet charter when the aircraft meets your flight requirements, but doesn't go beyond what you need. Larger aircraft can fly further with more passengers, but they cost more. Keeping it small and simple is cost efficient, such as on a Phenom 100 (featured below).

Phenom 100 #7

How to Book an Air Charter - Compare Your Options

Booking an air charter used to be complicated. This is one reason why the industry has continued its reputation as only being for the elite. This is not an exclusive club and you have many options at your disposal. You can charter a plane without a broker, an advisor, a jet card or a membership scheme. Every flight is different and every passengers has different needs, so different booking options benefit different people.

Private Jet Cards

Private jet cards are pre-paid membership schemes. You purchase a set number of flying hours on a specific type of private jet. Then you call the operator when you need to fly. The advantage is convenience. You buy a card and use the hours when needed. 

The major disadvantage is the lack of flexibility. You will be limited to a specific type of plane so it's more difficult to realize value. Lead-in times and hot dates for private jet travel add complications and mean you cannot always use your hours when you want. With more than 400 private jet card programs to choose from, finding the best deal is complicated, especially if you are new to air charter.

So how much is a jet card? Basic programs start at USD 50,000. Some programs have more than 25 surcharges, so the upfront fees are matched by ongoing fees. Private jet card memberships are still the number one way to fly on an air charter. However, their market share is declining as cheaper and more flexible pay as you fly options emerge.

Private Jet Brokers

Private jet brokers connect air charter customers with air charter operators. They find the aircraft for passengers, and find the passengers for aircraft operators. Then they charge a percentage for their services, just like brokers in any industry. You can read a complete guide to the pros and cons of private jet brokers and when they can be useful. The big benefit with air charter advisors and brokers is that you can pay as you fly. But you will pay overinflated prices and be limited to a jet broker's network of aircraft.

It's a murky industry. No qualification is required of private jet brokers and they can be the weak-link in a very safe industry. With so much money flying around air charter naturally attracts sharks and cowboys. Fortunately recent federal law changes mean charter brokers must clearly differentiate themselves from charter operators.

Fractional Jet Ownership

Some people are wealthy enough to own a private jet. Then some people use their wealth to buy a fraction of a jet, in an option known as fractional jet ownership. You buy a fraction of a jet and get access to that jet for a proportional fraction of time. The minimum ownership is 1/16th, which equates to 50 flying hours per year. All fractional owners share ongoing costs for maintenance and crew, and can sell their private jet share after their initial five-year period has expired. 

It's a good option for a few. However, don't expect to own a fraction of a jet without a USD 500,000 investment. Even that won't get you many hours.

Pay As You Fly

The simplest way to fly on a private air charter is to use a booking engine. Just like Skyscanner or Google Flights for commercial airlines, you can search for private charters between any destinations. With this approach you can enjoy instant jet charter quotes then compare different aircraft and their prices.

Airvel is the world's leading booking engine for private air charters. It has more aircraft, more destinations and more options. You can fly anywhere, anytime, on the aircraft that is best for you. Airvel is completely free to use. There are no memberships and no pre-paid schemes. You just pay for the flights you need as you need them.


Different Types of Air Charter

Some charter brokers or even charter operators promote different kinds of air charters. There is only one type of safe air charter - a Part 135 charter. However, there are many different reasons to fly on a private plane. Each of these requires a different aircraft and sometimes a specialist operator.

Many people booking air charters are not booking for themselves. Executive assistants and many other people book corporate travel. This article will help you book exec air charters like a boss.

Some Airvel customers are asking for priority air charter. By that they usually mean priority or exclusive processes, so they can get in the air as soon as possible. With Airvel you can be in the air less than four hours from now - just pay and fly and enjoy all the benefits of an express jet charter.

Last minute private jet charter is a reality without a jet card or membership. With a booking engine you can fly in the next few hours. Just search, select, pay and fly. To get in the air sooner you can make use of Airvel's concierge service. It's a free service for all customers, regardless of whether they have booked a flight with Airvel before. A concierge will source the aircraft and get you flying within four hours, without adding on any commission to the price.


Next Steps With Your Air Charter Guide

This air charter guide has covered the benefits of flying private, how charters are safe, and different booking options. The rest of this air charter guide covers where to fly, how to save money and get better deals, along with essential tips and advice to consider.

Where To: On Your Air Charter

There’s a stereotyped image of executive jets, suggesting they are used for travel to exotic destinations, like a private Caribbean island. The reality is far more mundane. Air charters are about getting to the places you need to be - for business or leisure - not necessarily the places you dream of visiting one day.

Destinations Best Reached by Private Plane Charter

This article will help you understand where to fly to. It covers the most commonly accessed destinations and why air charters are so valuable for this.

Transatlantic private jets are increasingly good value and you can explore them further in this detailed article, which covers different aircraft options for crossing the Atlantic.

Most Popular Private Jet Airports and Routes

These 20 airports are mostly made popular by their efficiency for business travel. More aircraft are based at these airports than anywhere else, so these popular airports also provide more aircraft choice when you book an air charter. Also consider the most popular air charter routes.

Private Jet Tickets to World’s Best Sporting Events

Of course, renting a plane can also take you to famous events, as illustrated on this article.


How To: Save Money and Get the Best Deals

With an air charter you maximize the time saved. These four articles will help you maximize the money you can save as well.

Avoid the Overpriced World of Luxury Private Jets

There are two worlds when it comes to private aviation. This rich and famous with their ostentatious jets, and the everyday efficiency of everything else. Understanding how to sidestep luxury private jets is essential if you want to get a good deal. This article explains why and why.

15 Strategies for Reducing Private Jet Costs

These are easy tips that can be implemented by most flyers. Some will not be relevant to you and why you need an air charter. But some could mean a four figure saving.

How To Fly On a Private Jet: Every Time

Tips for sourcing the best deals and making air charter a probability rather than just a possibility.

Cheap Private Jet Flights All the Time

The more you can maximize the money saved the more often you can fly on air charters, which means that greatest luxury of all - time.

Air Charter Planning: Essential Extra Tips

Why You Should be Flying Private In Winter

Winter weather can play havoc on commercial flight schedules. This article explains why it’s different in winter and how the reliability of an air charter makes it an increasing valued choice.

How Weather Can (and can’t) Affect Your Flight

Most bad weather isn’t that disruptive. This article looks at commercial and private aviation through the lens of differing climatic conditions, looking at the percentage possibility of delay and what is likely to happen when the weather gets really bad.

Hot Dates for Private Jet Travel

Some dates are more popular than others. Like any industry, these hot dates create lower availability and higher demand, which naturally means higher prices. Understanding the hot dates will help you plan around them for better deals.

Booking an Air Charter With Airvel

With Airvel anyone can fly private. We are the world’s leading booking engine for private air charters. You can book online or download the Airvel app.

Compare prices instantly, looking at price, aircraft, flight duration and amenities. Make informed decisions without having to use a jet broker or jet card. And only pay for the flights you need.

With Airvel you are in control. And you get to realize all the benefits of a private air charter.



About Author

Michael Rickard
Michael Rickard

Private air charter expert and non-executive director at a large private aviation company based out of the mid-west. Specialist in simplifying the air charter industry through strategic partnerships and plain simple advice.

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