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With priority air charter you can fly anywhere, anytime. But this isn’t a service for the elite. Instant air charter is now a reality for everyone.

With Airvel you can be in the air within four hours of booking a charter.

What is Priority Air Charter?

The global air charter industry can provide a baffling array of solutions and options. Private jet cards suggest simplicity then impose restrictions and rigidity. Private jet brokers can find great deals, but not all the time, and not to every destination. Fractional jet ownership sounds like a good idea, but the upfront costs make it inaccessible to almost everyone.

We believe priority air charter is the opportunity to fly where you want, when you want, even at just a few hours notice. More than that, priority air charter should not be reserved for a select few. We believe in air charter without upfront fees, without restrictions, and without the unnecessary sense of luxury that makes private aviation so imposing. With Airvel, we believe in air charter, simplified.


Making Priority Air Charter Work For You

No Upfront Fees

Upfront fees are an unnecessary barrier to air charters. They are not common in other transport industries. For example, when was the last time you paid a large upfront fee to charter a private car or taxi? For other forms of transport it is normal to pay as you go. That can be the same with priority air charter.

Instead of demanding a large pre-investment, Airvel works on a pay as you fly model. So you only pay for the flights that you actually take. You don’t need any investment to get started, just the price of your individual air charter.

No Membership Schemes

Membership schemes such as private jet cards are unnecessarily restrictive. Opening a membership requires huge pre-investment, with most private jet cards starting at USD 100,000. Memberships tie members into specific aircraft. They limit the flexibility of air charters and impose limitations through peak dates and surcharges.

There are no memberships with Airvel. Instead, book each flight on an individual basis and you can always select the best aircraft for the flight, something that isn’t possible when you are tied to a single aircraft for 25+ hours of flying, as with a private jet card.

No Long-Term Commitments

Priority air charter is possible without any long-term commitment. With Airvel you do not need to be a platinum member to receive priority treatment. Airvel extends a 24-7 private concierge service to all customers and flyers. To benefit from a concierge you do not need to make any commitment towards a number of flying hours or number of flights.

You don’t even need to book a flight with Airvel – if our concierges can’t help and you choose not to book that’s fine as well. We encourage you to search elsewhere, compare prices and service, and make an informed decision. Here at Airvel we know that plans change and it is impossible to predict what will happen over the next 12 months. So we don't ask for any long-term air charter commitments.

Transparent Pricing Without Hidden Fees

Private jet cards and fractional ownership schemes hide a series of additional fees, above and beyond the huge pre-investment. Some jet cards have more than 20 different surcharges, ranging from de-icing to fuel levy, FBO surcharge to peak date fees. Trying to downgrade or upgrade aircraft usually brings significant fees as well.

Priority air charter needs to work for you, when you need it. That’s easier with transparent pricing. On Airvel the price you see is the price you pay. There are no extras. With Airvel you can search the prices of over 4000 aircraft and make an informed decision about the cost of each flight.

Fly Anytime – No Blackout Dates

Prices surge at peak times and priority air charters are often more expensive. That is standard in the aviation industry, which is based on a model of supply and demand. However, everyone should still have the opportunity to fly on peak dates. With Airvel there are no blackout dates, so you can fly anytime.

If you’re unsure why we’re discussing no blackout dates, take a closer look at private jet card membership schemes. After the pre-investment, and after all the surcharges, some dates remain unavailable to members. Air charter operators are limited by their total number of aircraft and the higher paying members receive priority for peak dates. With Airvel you can book flights with an enormous variety of operators. More availability means no blackout dates.

Fly Anywhere

With Airvel you can search for flights to over 2500 destinations in the US, along with transatlantic private jets and flights to other worldwide destinations. If a destination doesn’t show up in the search facility then contact an Airvel concierge for assistance. They will search for aircraft that meet your flight needs.

The luxury of private jets is the time you can save. That time is maximized when you can use regional and local airports and touch down closer to your final destination.

Priority Air Charter Safety

All aircraft and operators on Airvel are certified under FAA Part 135 – this article covers the basics of FAA Part 135 in three minutes. This federal certification is the industry standard and ensures the safety of your flight. It covers requirements for aircraft, pilots, crew and the operator. This article explains forthcoming changes to FAA Part 135 operations and how they will further improve safety.

Some air charter operators are registered under FAA Part 91. This certification is easier to obtain. At Airvel we do not believe that Part 91 regulations can assure safety for priority air charters. Aircraft from Part 91 operators are not available for charter on Airvel.

Priority Air Charter – In the Air in Four Hours

Book a flight with Airvel and you can be in the air four hours later. Our 24-7 concierge service specializes in arranging last-minute charters. When you absolutely need to be somewhere, we will help you find a way. And when your plans change, we will have you covered.

We don’t have memberships. We don’t rank customers by importance or priority. This priority air charter is available to everyone, including people who have never used Airvel before. When the plans change and when you need to fly now, Airvel will get you in the air. That is what we call priority air charter.

Airvel is the world’s leading booking engine for priority air charters. Search and book online through, or make use of a 24-7 flight concierge. An Airvel concierge will search for the best available flights and glide you through booking a charter.



About Author

Louise Hughes
Louise Hughes

Aviation consultant, helping airlines and charter companies ross their t's and dot their i's. Louise has worked with many of the big players in the air charter industry and contributes to national and international bodies.


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